We now offer prepaid mailers to send your repairs directly to our repair shop for estimates and repairs at your convenience.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE CLICK HERE TO EMAIL HEATHER WITH YOUR COMPLETE OFFICE INFORMATION, INCLUDING: Doctor/Office name, address, contact person and contact email if different than sender.
Simply fill out the repair form in its entirety:
Date (this is important for warranty information)
Check if this is a straight repair (no estimate required), estimate (an estimate will be emailed to you, or warranty repair (verified by repair center)
Note that denied estimates will be charged a $50 estimate & return fee
Pre-Authorized Amount (if you wish to pre-authorize an estimate without review, write that amount on the line and you will only get an invoice once the repair has been done)
Email (this is required for ease of communication)
Customer information (this is required to keep our records updated)
Authorized Signature (repair/estimate will not be accepted if there is not a signature)
Information required (clearly write the item description, serial number, problem)
WHITE copy is to be placed inside the mailer and the YELLOW copy is for your records (if there is NOT a white copy of the repair form in your envelope, the repair shop has no idea what to do or whom to contact)
*The tracking number provided on the form is your responsibility to monitor.
If you are new to the process, it is simple. Mail in your repairs using the handy mailers and tracking number, an estimate (if you require one) will be emailed to you within two weeks, you then have 2 weeks to approve or deny (deny = $50 est fee), once approved your repairs will be mailed back to you once completed (estimated repair time is three weeks).
When you are in need of more mailers, please email Heather and she will mail out.
As always, contact us with any questions or concerns! For scheduling Heather’s cell is (727) 309-8380 and her email is Heather@acorndentalsupply.com
Thank you again for your continued business and loyalty!